Welcome to the evidence analysis center orientation tutorial. The tutorial is a series of five modules. Each module averages 10 minutes in length. You can stop at any time and return to the presentation whenever you are ready. The modules are designed to highlight the academy's evidence analysis center and evidence analysis library to help users navigate the website review the academy's process for conducting scoping and systematic reviews. Developing evidence-based practice guidelines and introduce resources designed to help implement the guidelines. Once you have completed all five modules, you can test your knowledge by taking a short quiz with a passing grade of 80%. You will be prompted to download a certificate of completion. Please note that this quiz is not approved by CDR for continuing education credits. Let's get started with module one, introduction to the evidence analysis library in tips on navigating the E A. Upon completion of module one, you will know how to log into and navigate the site. Locate an access to projects, use the search engine, use the site tools, locate the frequently asked questions section and know how to contact E AC staff. The EAL is an online resource that provides a summary of the best available research and various nutrition topics. The eal is a series of systematic reviews and guidelines developed by the Academy based on the predefined approach and criteria. An objective and transparent methodology is used to assess food and nutrition related science. The academy's commitment to evidence-based practice started in the 19 nineties with the development of the medical nutrition therapy across the continuum of care. In 2002, the Academy published evidence-based guidelines on the topics of hyperlipidemia, diabetes, kidney disease, and gestational diabetes. The airline resource known as the evidence analysis library which launched in 2004. Between 2005 and 10, the EAL experienced a period of tremendous growth which started with four topics, grew to 15 systematic topics and 10 comprehensive guidelines. In 2018, the Academy's board of directors determined that future Academy position statements be developed from systematic reviews. It has resulted in the creation of the evidence analysis center charged with developing reviews guidelines, position statements and other evidence-based reports. Members of the academy can access the eal through the academy's website, right? or by going directly to the Eal at A and DEA Once at the Eal, you must log in using your official Academy's user name and password from the eat right pro website, scroll all the way down to the bottom. Click on the words Evidence Analysis library to be redirected to the E A where you must log in, go directly to the EAL at A and Click on the word login located in the upper right hand corner, enter your official Academy user name and the password you use to access the academy's website. If you are not an academy member, it's not a problem. You can purchase full access to the EA a one time one month trial subscription or an annual subscription to the E A are available from the login screen. Click on the link to purchase a subscription. Next, let's learn how to navigate the site. The homepage of the E A is divided into three sections. A horizontal toolbar is located at the top. The middle section is a series of links to facilitate access to popular pages. In the bottom section are four pods with links to various resources. It is a long home page, so be sure to scroll down. So you don't miss any of the features. The top navigation bar has five main categories or tabs which include projects, policy and process resources index and about using your mouse hover over the titles to see topics under each category. In this example, the resources section has six subcategories. The middle section history pods use these links to access the E A topic list. Learn how you can volunteer as a topic, expert guideline reviewer or content advisor, how to quickly access popular pages like the glossary of eal terminology and information and the nutrition care process. Plus much more. Scroll all the way down to the bottom section. For additional information and resources, non-members can purchase a subscription to the E A. Click on collaborative guidelines for information and academy collaboration with other organizations. The top navigation bar is always visible from every page within the site. Click on the home icon to get to the E A homepage. Use your browser's back arrow to navigate throughout the site. The E A has a responsive screen which means that your view will adjust based on the device you are using whether you are on a computer tablet or smartphone, you will notice it a local change but you can still access all of the content. Let's start with the projects tab. This is where you will locate the summarized research mouse over this tab to view a listing of the active projects projects are listed in alphabetical order, use your mouse to select a topic mouse over the projects tab at any time to select another topic. Each project topic has its own landing page. The highlighted section includes a brief overview on the topic. Click on the subsection titled to expand the section and view the content. In this example, the project team subsection is expanded. The project team is a listing of the individuals who contributed their time and expertise to the project. It includes information and funding of the project as well as any conflict of interest disclosures from the expert panel. The highlighted section is the left navigation bar which links to all of the content for the project. It includes a scoping review, systematic review and guideline material. The most current information is located at the top. Please note that not all topics have a scope in review nor do all systematic reviews continue on to the guideline phase. All evidence analysis research questions are organized by nutrition care process category. The categories include nutrition assessment, nutrition, diagnosis, nutrition, intervention, nutrition, monitoring and evaluation questions that fall outside of the NCP are in a category titled Basic research. Click on the title to expand the category and view the questions under that particular category. In this example, the intervention category was expanded to view two questions. Note that all of the content, the conclusion statement, evident summary and search plan are easily accessible. Also note that the left navigation bar is also always visible so that you can move around throughout the topic. The E A is designed to minimize drilling down or jumping from page to page. Users can click the title or plus sign to expand the section, click the minus sign to close the section. The policy and process section includes tabs to the academy's scoping review process, evidence analysis process and the guideline development process modules. 23 and four will cover these topics in greater detail. You can download a free copy of the evidence analysis manual as well as worksheet templates from this section. The resources. TAB includes free resources like powerpoint presentations and the E A process, evidence-based practice and the nutrition care process topics will change. So you will want to visit this section periodically for new topics and resources. In addition to using your mouse to view the project listing, you can click on the index tab to find content. Here is an example of results when using the search engine. In this example, the words heart disease were entered, search results are separated by research question evidence, summary worksheets recommendations and topics. The about tab includes information and the evidence analysis library. It also includes information on how to cite content from the eal and on how to request permission to reprint content from the E A. The frequently asked questions section addresses some of the most common questions from users. The following tools are available on each page of the A use these tools to bookmark a page, add a page to the print queue, create a note increase and decrease the font size and view a page in PDF format. The topic list is an at a glance view of the eal projects, date of publication and update status. The topic list from the middle section of the Eal homepage. This feature is a great way to see projects being updated or new projects added to the site to print the entire guideline at one time. Click on the guideline title link in the Love Navigation Bar on the landing page, click on the links to download a PDF of the guideline material. Click on the word help in the upper right hand corner for assistance with the website. Click on the words, contact us to email the evidence analysis center staff if you experience a problem with the site to suggest a topic for the eao or for other assistance. This concludes module one. Please proceed to module two, the evidence analysis center scoping reviews. Thank you.